Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Time To Give!

Nate and I have been readying the house recently for a very special visitor. We figured it would be a good time to go through our cabinets and closets and begin to make room for another baby! Our house is fairly small (Nate likes to call it "cozy") and we don't have a lot of storage space, so it's important we don't hang on to stuff we don't need for too long. I cannot tell you how good it felt to purge our stuff and donate the items to charity. Here is what we gave recently.....
  • 235 books donated to the library (you should see all the books we kept!)
  • 75 shirts (dress, casual, t-shirts and blouses)
  • 24 pairs of pants (slacks, jeans)
  • 8 suits
  • 5 sweaters (who needs sweaters in San Diego?)
  • 5 Jackets/Coats
  • 8 skirts
  • 3 dresses
  • 10 hats (have we every worn hats?)
  • 4 belts
  • 35 pairs of shoes (yes...33 pairs were mine, and I STILL have a closet full of shoes!)
  • 2 GIANTS bags of boy's clothes
  • 2 King Sizes comforters/Bedding Sets
  • Various kitchen items
  • countless knick knack type items

WHEW!! How can we have gotten rid of that much stuff and still have a whole house full of stuff?!? Some of the clothing items were my dressy/work clothes from when I had a job. Since I've decided that when/if I go back to work someday I will NEVER wear pantyhose again...I felt it was safe to give away all the dressy clothes I'll never wear again. I feel so much lighter now!! I think I will make this a twice yearly event so it doesn't take so much work next time!


Mama said...

Would it be possible for me to guess who this visitor is? :)
Fellow IAC alumn

Laurel said...

Hey, Cindy! Thanks for the note on my blog. It's about time you jump back into the adoption arena again! What took you so long? Just kiddin'. :-) You guys do parenthood so well you should have 5. LOL. I miss you. I'll call you one of these days so we can catch up!