Thursday, July 17, 2008

Earth to Benjamin....

After his nap today Benjamin was talking about being an astronaut (one of his many favorite things to play at being.) Nate jumped up and said "We've got to get your space suit on!" and took him to his room. A few minutes later this is what emerged....
He looks like a pretty serious astronaut doesn't he? He's got on his "space suit", his "jet pack" on his back (otherwise known as his Thomas the Train backpack) and his "space helmet" (which I think makes him look a little more like a coal miner!) I guess the horse flashlight comes in handy in's dark out there! I tried to get him to smile for the photos but Benjamin doesn't seem to think astronauts smile!


Mama said...

What a cutie! Hannah has that same flashlight!
Fellow IAC alumn

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog. It helps to not be alone during this wait. :)

I love the spacesuit on your little astronaut! Your son is darling!

Saran said...

Oh my goodness what a serious space dude! It's so great to see such a vivid imagination and interest in the world.

IAC Alumn