Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Dressed Myself All By Myself!

Okay...so I've been a bad blogger lately...again!! I'm trying to get back on track. Here are some fun events that have been happening over the last couple of months.

These photos were taken about a month ago. One lazy Sunday afternoon while Nate and I were relaxing Benjamin was playing quietly in his room. Next thing I know he comes out yelling "Mommy! Mommy! I dressed myself all by myself!" When I turned around to look at him I almost burst out laughing! WHAT an ensemble!! The cowboy hat is obvious...but can you see the boots? They are rain boots...dinosaur rain boots! And his "cowboy gloves" are actually gloves with a snowboarding Diego on them. And don't even ask about the pants...I don't know where he left them! After he did his fashion show he began to gallop around the house with his usual "Yee Haw Cowboy!"

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