We were lucky enough that Benjamin's birthmom "Vie" was able to come o
ut for the birthday party and spend a week at our house! I'm sure we bored her to death with our daily routine of playgroups, grocery shopping, walks at the harbor, etc. but we were thrilled that she was there! She gave Benjamin a skateboard (or as he calls it..."B-Bore") for his birthday. It's SUPER cool looking and very durable...it will last forever. He LOVES it and tries to jump on and ride whenever he gets the chance. I really think he knows HOW to ride the skateboard...he just can't get his 2 year old body to cooperate!
Benjamin was also the recipient of some birthday gifts through the mail. His Grandma J sent him some neat books and some stuff animals. One is a really soft beanie baby stuff monkey and the other is a furry stuffed monkey with bunny ears (Ben's birthday was several days before Easter!) Ever since Benjamin received these special monkeys he has to have them in bed with him every night. For those who were unaware....Benjamin already had a bedtime pal he was sleeping with every night....Uniqua, dressed as a pirate! For those of you who aren't lucky enough to watch cartoons made for 2 year olds, Uniqua is a character from Benjamin's all time (really his only) favorite tv show....The Backyardigans. Uniqua is a pink salamander looking character with dark pink dots. In one show she is a pirate looking for treasure, hence the pirate hat and pirate eye patch. This stuffed Uniqua also sings songs from the pirate show and tells us that "a pirate says arggghhhh!" So...now as I put Benjamin to bed, with his purple